
Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev Thapar and Shivram Hari Rajguru

23rd March 1931, 19:29 hours, Lahore Central Jail… Within a minute, something breathtaking was about to happen! The holy land of Bharat was about to get stunned & mesmerized by the temporary standstill of the revolutionary fire that was ignited by the young compassionate Bravehearts, which had instilled fearful tremors in the hearts of the

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The Incredible Constitution of India

The Indian Constitution is the country’s highest law. The document outlines the framework that delineates the core political code, as well as the fundamental rights, guiding principles, and responsibilities of citizens. It also spells out the organisation, methods, powers, and duties of governmental institutions. It is the world’s longest-written national constitution. It confers constitutional supremacy

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The Power of Bhagavad Geeta, Solutions for 6 Major Issues

In today’s fast-paced, outrageous and ever-evolving era that we’re living in, it’s quite an arduous task to develop a solution-oriented mindset and launch a “counter-offensive” against all the problems that we face! However, we tend to forget that the solutions that we’re seeking are already available to us in many forms and we just tend

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Hinduism and Love: The 5 Major Forms

Hinduism and Love: The 5 Great Forms

Love, in all its beautiful complexities, finds a rich tapestry woven within the philosophy of Hinduism. It’s not merely a fleeting emotion, but a multifaceted experience with distinct stages, each offering profound lessons for growth. This article delves into the five great forms of love (prema) recognized in Hinduism, exploring their unique characteristics and the

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‘Sengol’, An Eminent (Powerful) Sceptre

In the newly built Parliament building, Prime Minister Narendra Modi placed a historic sceptre known as “Sengol” next to the Lok Sabha Speaker’s chair. The “sengol” in Parliament will stand for the Rule of Dharma (law). With this sacred sceptre and state-of-the-art technology, the new Parliament will serve as a testament to the Prime Minister’s

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