Religion, Art & Culture


A Dynamic Revolution: 700 Years of Bhakti Movement in India

For over seven centuries, a vibrant revolution bloomed within the heart of Hinduism. The Bhakti Movement, a fragrant rose with thorns, challenged rigid traditions and blossomed into a powerful movement centred on love and devotion. This article delves into the rich history of the Bhakti movement, exploring its core principles, its impact on Indian society, […]

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Martial Arts and Bodhidharma

Origins of Martial Arts & 5 Strong Indian Martial Arts Styles

From the serene slopes of the Himalayas to the sun-drenched beaches of Kerala, India boasts a rich tapestry of traditions. One such thread, often overlooked, is the vibrant legacy of Indian martial arts. This article delves into the fascinating world of these fighting styles, exploring their origins, the influence of Maharshi Bodhidharma, and the diverse

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A Strong India, and a Rich Bharat: 5 Points to Consider

India. A name that evokes bustling marketplaces, ancient temples adorned with intricate carvings, and the rhythmic beat of a thousand languages. But beneath the vibrant chaos lies another name, a whisper carried on the wind through millennia – Bharat. This article delves into the profound legacy of Bharat, urging a rediscovery of its grandeur and

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The Dynamic Vedic Age of Bharat (1500 BCE to 500 BCE)

The Vedic Age, a period stretching roughly from 1500 BCE to 500 BCE, stands as a pivotal chapter in the unfolding story of India. It marks a time of profound transformation, bridging the gap between the enigmatic Indus Valley Civilization and the rise of powerful kingdoms like the Mauryas. This era, named after the foundational

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Yagya: The Ultimate Science of Fire and Sound

In the vibrant tapestry of Hinduism, the practice of Yagya stands as a timeless ritual, deeply woven into the fabric of the faith. Yagya, often referred to as Yajna, holds profound significance for Hindus across the globe. Rooted in ancient Vedic texts, this sacred practice symbolizes a harmonious blend of spirituality, science, and tradition. Exploring

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The Power of Bhagavad Geeta, Solutions for 6 Major Issues

In today’s fast-paced, outrageous and ever-evolving era that we’re living in, it’s quite an arduous task to develop a solution-oriented mindset and launch a “counter-offensive” against all the problems that we face! However, we tend to forget that the solutions that we’re seeking are already available to us in many forms and we just tend

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Hinduism and Love: The 5 Major Forms

Hinduism and Love: The 5 Great Forms

Love, in all its beautiful complexities, finds a rich tapestry woven within the philosophy of Hinduism. It’s not merely a fleeting emotion, but a multifaceted experience with distinct stages, each offering profound lessons for growth. This article delves into the five great forms of love (prema) recognized in Hinduism, exploring their unique characteristics and the

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‘Sengol’, An Eminent (Powerful) Sceptre

In the newly built Parliament building, Prime Minister Narendra Modi placed a historic sceptre known as “Sengol” next to the Lok Sabha Speaker’s chair. The “sengol” in Parliament will stand for the Rule of Dharma (law). With this sacred sceptre and state-of-the-art technology, the new Parliament will serve as a testament to the Prime Minister’s

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